martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Language and Emergent Literacy

Welcome to Early Literacy!

We are going to learn everything we need to know about young learners, the development of their skills, a preschool classroom environment, multiple intelligence, methodology, and all the important things you need to know in order to be a successful English teacher for the little ones.

To start with this blog, please Read Chapter 1 (pgs. 2-8), and then:

  1. Mention and explain (in your own words) three facts about language.
  2. Define "Emergent Literacy" in your own words.

Remember that opinions can not be exactly the same.

Deadline: Sunday, February 19th, at 11:59pm.

40 comentarios:

  1. Thanks Mr. Monge! Happy Valentine's everyone!!

  2. The growth of language is a lifelong activity.
    We need to keep in mind some facts:

    1. Language is a human universal.
    Every culture got their own way of communicating. From time inmemorial people have been learning their own language to be able to comprehend each other.
    2. All languages enable speakers to create new utterances.
    Our new generations are creating new words according to the trends. Mostly of this words are common used by teenagers.
    At a time some of this words might appear at the dictionary (ex. selfie: a photograph taken with a smartphone or digital camera by a person who is also in the photograph).
    3. Language and thought are closely related.
    The relationship between language and thought is the key for humans to able to: share their thoughts and ideas, solve problems and face daily life situations.


    Emergent Literacy:
    A term used to explain child's process for learning writing and reading skills at preschool ages.
    This is an early language process where they start by recognizing letters names and sounds that would make them able to read.

    1. Also we can't separate language from culture since every language is the result of every culture.


    LANGUAGE IS A HUMAN UNIVERSAL: The language has changing every day, because new words are used by many people in different activities and areas, innovating the language.

    HUMAN BEINGS HAVE AN INNATE CAPACITY TO LEARN LANGUAGE: all humans are able to learn language, even if they have a disability in any way (neurological or physical) such as blind people can learn sing language and read braille that helps them to acquire more and new language.

    LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ARE CLOSELY RELATED: people speaks in the same way their relatives speak or use the same language as the people who are around them, always influenced by traditions, customs, values, etc. of the community people belong.

    This term was used at first by Marie Clay, who thought that young people need to develop reading and writing that are important areas to acquire language.

  4. A) Some facts about language that are important to keep in mind:

    Any language speaker is able to create and comprehend utterances. The new generations are creating new words according to trending demands. Nowadays we are able to recognize lots of new words and expressions, even we use them everyday.

    When we comunicate, in all of the cases we comunicate in a non- verbal way but communication also enable the speaker to use facial expressions, gestures and other body movements to express what we want to comunicate. But we must be careful about cultural specific meanings.

    A language of any kind enable the speakers to create new utterances, but this utterances must conform and agree to the rules established over the centuries. Exceptions to the rules are found in all languages.

    It is term created on 1966 by Mary Clay, describing how the children's reading and writing process is gradually developed by using the readiness skills. Readiness skills include letter recognition, sound-symbol correspondence recognition, etc. This means that children are able to begin their language development skill just before they began formal schooling and that they're ready to be taught the specific skills that would enable them to read.

    1. I relized that the best way to learn a language is the natural way.


    1.LANGUAGE IS A HUMAN UNIVERSAL: Since the beginning of everything, languge had been a key to be in communication with others. every single person in this world is able to use it, being in communication and express ideas.

    2.lANGUAGE IS BOTH CREATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL: The beutiest thing about a language is that when someone learn a different language, he or she can create and understand new things, practicing them and use them in differents aspects in his or her life.

    3.LANGUAGE CAN BE NON-VERBAL AS WELL AS VERBAL: Another an important thing that we have to know about language is that nowadays we can use our body to express our feelings and also thoughts, not just through speaking.

    In this content created by Marie Clay, shows that the youngest are going to be able to learn through the things that are around them, their enviroment, and in that way they will develop their early skills.

  6. exists some facts of language that we are going to have in mind:

    1)language and thougt are closely related: that give an idea that we have the knowledge to share what we ae thinking and the correct way to demonstrate or go out our ideas and try to clarify them.

    2)LANGUAGE CAN BE NON-VERBAL AS VERBAL AS WELL:to trasmit an idea is not just to use words to say it, because we gonna use differents parts of our body to transmit it. eg:expressions,gestures and signs with the hands.
    3) LANGUAGE CHANGE:language experiment changes veryday is not static or static, vereyday appears new words to name something or an invention to.

    it is aterm created by Marie Clay in 1966,tat give an idea how children learn gradually the form of reading and writing passing the life of them and give something to how children think more different for passing years to our days

  7. |-Three facts about language:
    .Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal: Our society has two types of communication are the formal and informal. And in both of them we use verbal and non verbal sing. We can use verbal communication to inform, whether it is to inform others of our needs or to impart knowledge. This way people can understand us better. In other side is the non verbal language help us to express feeling and though. And it is not necessary to talk, only use expression in our body.
    .Human beings have an innate capacity to learn language. The human starts to learn language from the day we are born. Our brain is constantly developing and learning new thing in every moment, from everything that surround us; for example second language. Any person can learn many languages.
    .Language is a human universal: Each culture has a different tradition and customs to communicate with the same members of the country. And to communicate with other countries. sometimes it is difficult to understand other language and tradition and some case we use the non verbal language. But Nowadays we have the technology to translate differents languages and communicate with people to other country.
    ||-What it is emergent literacy?
    It is the beginning to start to learn about the world. This part beginning with the parents at home. And then step by step develops in school with the helps of a teacher. Where children start to know skills and know about the function of their body.

  8. 1. Language is a complex and fascinating aspect of our lives. Even when language is systematic, it changes too. Scientists believe to have evolved out of a series of grunts and hand gestures. Through the time, people improve their way of communication responding to the demands of a changing world.
    2. Evolving Language enables speaker to create new utterances, because as the time change and new things appear, the have the necessity to create new words and expressions for communicate their ideas. Language provides us with many of the categories we use for expression of our thoughts.

    3. Language is linked to culture, it can be viewed as a verbal expression of culture because depending on it, people have their own code of communication that makes them different from others and that allows them to transmit their story and wisdom from generation to generation.

    Emergent literacy skills are the basic building blocks that children have to develop gradually for learning to read and write

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    1) Human beings have an innate capacity to learn language:
    Children have the capacity to learn any language that they have been expose to, but the teacher needs to know that not all the children learn at the same way and teachers have to find the best way to teach them.

    2) Language and culture are closely related:
    When a child is learning a second language that child is also learning the culture of the country or place that he o she is learning the language of.

    3) Language is systematic:
    Language has its own characteristics way of combining sounds through games and this is the way that the children can learn these characteristic easily.

    Emergent Literacy:
    A term coined by Marie Clay in 1966, it is about how the young children can develop their skills through reading and writing development during their first few years.

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  11. Angel Stephanie Rivera

    Facts about language

    1.Language is a human universal
    -All of us need to communicate with others,because language is the key for have a good communication and be able to express all that we thought.

    2. Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal
    -Not only speaking we can communicate, we can do through our gestures, facial expressions, and expressing feelings, our body language is another great way to express ourselves.

    3.Language and thought are closely related
    -using language is the way where we can share our experiences and learn new words from other people.

    Emergent Literacy:
    It is used to develop the child's knowledge where they going to develop their skills like reading and writing before they learn how to read and write whatever word.that means that young children are in the process of becoming literate.

  12. facts about language:

    1. languague change:
    Creativity in language is quite marked. As time goes by and human beings are evolving more and more, language increases its vocabulary. Every single day, new words appear and they fit in the modern world.

    2. language can be non-verbal as well as verbal:
    we do not need to speak in order to use language.Through the movements made with our body, we can transmit messages to others. Because of it, we should be careful not to communicate misconceptions with our facial expressions, gestures, etc.

    3. language and thought are closely related:
    Communication might be the first necesity of human beings. Because of it, humans use language as a medium for self-expression; it is a tool for sharing their thoughts with others.

    4. emergent literacy:
    reading and writing are fundamental for humans. It is also a way of expressing our emotions, thoughts, ideologies, etc. Through them, children are able to develop other skills during their period of building knowledge, even when they are adults.


  13. 1.Human beings have an innate capacity to learn language:
    All human are able to learn a language, unless they are neurologically impaired. Although, is necessary to mention that children are able to learn more quickly than adults.

    2. Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal:
    We communicate our feelings, knowledge, emotions, etc. Not only with words. We can transmit the message through facial expressions and body movements. The most part of time, we used to communicate both language non-verbal and verbal at the same time.

    3.Language thought are closely related:
    Language help to communicate or share ideas and thoughts. Through language we have the opportunity to express ourselves.

    Emergent literacy:
    It is a term introduced by Marie Clay who describe how important is that young children become aware of the uses of their skills in their environment. The early literacy can help the children learn to read and write, because they are able to learn with games. So, is important to take advantage of their ages.

  14. Facts about language
    1) Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal:
    Not only with words we share our feelings, toughts and ideas. We say a lot with our body's movement.
    2) Language and culture are closely related:
    Every country has it's own culture. Through language they show their traditions and habits.Language is a way to show a culture.
    3) Language and thought are closely related:
    Language and thought are realted because through language we can share what our thoughs, opinions, beliefs.

    Concept of Emergent literacy: this term is very important in the children's early language development.It's a way to show children their skills (reading and writing; listenig and speaking) before they learn how to express their ideas with words.

  15. Facts about language:
    1. language is a human universal
    people develop this ability because we need to communicate each other and make know our needs.

    2. language change
    for example many words that adults use when they were young are no longer used and young people don't know their meaning, and new words have emerged according to the time.

    3. language is systematic
    each language has to have a logical system of words, sounds and rhythm to make sense.

    Emergent Literacy
    is a term coined by Mary Clay in 1966 she describe the importance the young children develop their speech and language and also the importance that gradually become aware of uses of written language in their environment to develop their language.

  16. Language is a human universal: languages is a special capacity in humans not found in any other species. It is a unique to our species.
    Language is systematic: all languages are different between and them but all have characteristic in comun every language follow Schemes.
    Language Change: Language always change thanks to the needs and demands of the world. Some words are created and other no longer use anymore.
    Describe the process how the children since the birth start to learn a language. Those skills developing at home when children need express their ideas and keep stage of preschool

    By: Ana Lizeth Trujillo

  17. 1.language and thought are closely related.
    The language is it the midst that we use to express.The same time for commonicate our thoughts,and also to receive,analyze, critcize and share the thoughts of others.
    2.Language change.
    The human just like the language is found in constant evolution m
    otivated for the creation or by the innovation of people.
    3.Language and culture are closely related.
    Learn one language not only it implies know your grammar if not also acquire a series of characteristics cultural.That is it to say for learn correctly one language we must learn to think how their native people.
    Emergency literacy.
    It is used to explain a children knowledge of reading and writing skills.The characteristics include how some children come into their school years already familiar with the reading and writing process.

    1. There are some facts abaout language that are really important:

      1. Language is a human universal: as we know every human has a language because is a nessesary to comunicate whit others and of course language gave us the the ability to transfer information and knowledge to ourselves and to other
      2: Language is systematic: in my personal opinion language is the single Greatest human invention because we couldn't comunicate if we wouldn't have language , systematic because there is a order for each languages sounds, simbols words, ect.
      Language change: Nowdays language is involving faster than ever, in fact actually we are moving to a more pictographic form of comunication whit increasing populary emotions in networks sites and instants messages apps such as istagram facebook snapchat ect.
      This beings when children are babys this term defined as the developmental takes prior actually reading interacting whit books so they being to able to develop they skills and their mature students who develop emergent literacy they will enjoy of reading effectively

    - Through language we transmit culture, a tool to make integration and social adaptation, as well as a tool to maintain social control. If a native language dies, the culture of a country dies.

    -The importance of language in our daily relationship can not be denied, but this does not mean that the only way that we can communicate is to speak. Sometimes we can not express ideas, even feelings , it is when we use non-verbal communication, which includes gestures, facial expressions and body positions.

    - In my opinion nowadays, all languages change by the movement of people across countries and continents, they bring new languages and new vocabularies, an excellent example of this is the migration.

    -In my opinion, is a process where children develop the language, concepts and the differents skills. also I think emergent literacy provide children strong literacy education ( by reading and writing) in the early years leads to better outcomes later on.

  19. Three Facts About Language

    1. For me the language is a way to transmit information using a code giving a sense what we want to expose to giving our ideas, our thougts, besides that not only the language can move our intentions to transmit some information to other people articulating with our vocal chords, because we can find several types of language.

    2. The language depend of ourselves to transmit that information,because if we don not learn that information we are not able to communicate with each other.

    3. The language is the most incredible thing that we can use to chage our lives, with the language we can move from a place to other,we get our goals, we can get courage,and everything when we question to. sometimes we think that we can not do by ourselves, but using the language we can make it possible, the language can save lives, the language can make us feeling happines when we get our purpose, if we are not so well physically and phycologycally, we will not capable to use a language and transmit information to each others.

    Concept About Emergent Literacy

    For me it is about the chindren in early age when they get some information thought the time in the first two years of them, it happens at home, everytime that they learn something new, they grow happening that their information will help them to make it usefull at the second time that they already learn it,of course this information that they got in the past was posible for different kind of people like parents, caregivers and educators as they will be succesfull in the process of learning with this helping.

  20. 1) Language is the way of comunication with other people of our own contry or another country.

    2) Exist differents kinds of Language this could be verbal, non verbal,written language, signs language, and body language this ways has benn use to comunicate with people that could not use more than one.

    3) Language is the best treasure that we have to comunicate, language is a great way to understand us.

    Emergent Literacy for me are skills that children have until they born and continue grow up through the preschool years and the way to develop this, is see and interact with print, magazines, amazing games and all fun tools use before the elementary school. (Carmen Amador)

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  22. Three Facts about language

    1)Language is a human universal: This mean that language can be understood by everybody. Thanks to language we can communicate with people in other regions, countries and continents and with this, transfer information, feelings and thoughts.

    2)Language change: This is a very important fact of language because it is evolving everyday. We need that constantly evolving of language to allow us to communicate news ideas, new information or new inventions.

    3)Language is systematic: We need a system to use language, this mean that we need to know the conventional words, sounds or symbols to communicate properly and can be understood.

    Emergent Literacy

    Emergent Literacy was not important in the past, teachers did not care about teach it until 1966 thanks to Marie Clay who describe how important it is for children. When they started using it, children started to develop their reading and writing skills before they learn how to read and write, so, it is a process where children learn basic facts and information about literacy skills.

  23. Three Facts about language

    1-Language is a human universal: As we know language is universal, you can communicate with all living things. Also language helps us to do agreements with people around the world.

    2-Language change: Language is always changing to be capable to express the new things we are learning and discovering every day.

    3-Human beings have an innate capacity to learn language: I think that we are social, we must communicate each other to co-exist and improve our civilization.

    Emergent Literacy

    This is when literacy started being important to teach it to children, it is teach children basic concepts about reading and writing before they start reading in writing by themselves in school.

  24. Languages change some time in all the languages expands new words for new technology or new detection in different things. For that we need be updating in our language and the new language that we be learning.
    Language is systematic each language has own characteristic, for example in English exist the phrasal verbs. A phrasal consisting of a verb and either of a preposition or adverb that has meaning.
    Language and culture are closely related some time we know difference customs, traditions, values, stories, religion and history with others people thorough different language. For example; in the radium we listening music in English and in Merry Christmas exist songs, stories, or traditions that share. In Honduras some time we sing “Happy Birthday” although is not our language.
    Emergent Literacy
    Emergent literacy is very important since the children are young because when the children are little, is most easy for them learn because they are inquisitiveness phase. In this phase all is important for them because learn only with picture and after they unite the picture, the word and the letter with the sound. When the children are little they are questions for example; what is that? Why? And absorb all the information.


  25. Some facts about language:

    Human beings have an innate capacity to learn language: every person can learn language because it is a need while they are expose to the language. An interesting note is Children can learn faster than adults.

    Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal:how language is a need people try to communicate with other in different way; also there are people have disability issues for these people not only verbal, so it is developed non-verbal language.

    Language and thought are closely related: in the real life every person express their thought each other, for this reason people share concept or meaning that increase knowledge throught the language.

    Emergent Literacy: occurs children begin to distinguish different concept. When they begin to develop reading and writing skills at home or in school time. Also it is a process step by step for child developing.

  26. Here are some facts about language.

    Language is a human universal: Is a system of communication, a medium for self expression, to interact with others, to share ideas, all human beings have a langage, without this we cannot communicate with others.

    Language change: language changed over the time, all languages are constantly changing and adding new words, for example internet, email and many other words.

    Language and culture are closely related: through the language our ancestor transmitted culture like custom, traditions, values, stories, religion and history.

    Emergent literacy: children acquired the language in a natural way when they are at home, but, as they grow they have to develop reading and written skill in an early stage, because this is the stage in which they can develop and physically be ready to absorb them.

  27. 1_ Language is constantly changing, is not static and evolves to satisfy the needs of society
    2_ Through language we can express ideas and make them understand
    3_ Each language is different and has its own way of composing and forming
    Emergent Literacy
    Is the way in which children become familiar with the written form of language

  28. 1)Lenguage is a human universal: Each group, region, tribe, have a their own way to communicating. As we know the words in a leguage are not the same in everywhere, there are many idioms that are typical of a culture or a country, but it is part of their culture and leguage as well. In the same way, each person can communicate with others and make themselves understood.

    2)Lenguage can be non-verbal as well as verbal: As well as talk we can be able to use gestures and movements with our bodies to communicate with each other.

    3)Lenguage change: It means that new words are including to understand the modern world. Every single human is able to learn another lenguage unlees that He/She has neurological problems.

    Emergent literacy: Is used to explain a childs knowledge of reading and writing skills before they learn how to read and write wordsand before they have to go to school. It is a signal that even one and two years old are in the process of becoming literate with the help of their parents.

  29. Facts about language
    1)Language change
    Over time humanity has been changing, in all senses,obviously language is not out of this. Besides with the invention of technology,dictionary has had to add new terms like computer and internet.Also The oxford dictionary usually take words from other languages,like latte and cappuccino.

    2)Humans being have an innate capacity to learn language
    Specially children because they are like little sponges to absorb everything,also they repit things that they already listen.If teacher create the correct atmosphere of inmmersion in language students will present this capacity like answer.

    3)Language can be non verbal as well as verbal
    Comunication is one of the most important needs,in the case of a bilingual school,in preeschool to be more specific children have never heard somebody speking in English (in most cases) so,at the beginning they wont understand and also they wont repond,so teacher has to use gestures and mimics.

    Emergent literacy
    Summarizing emergent literacy is the process when children discover and start to develop reading and writing skills being in contact with books and things like that.

  30. 1. Languages change: Nowadays, people incorporate new words into their vocabulary, through interaction with other people begins to learn words and replace them with other creating a new language.
    2. Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal: All humans beings have the need to communicate and not necessarily speaking. There are different ways of expressing what we feel or want through facial expressions, gestures and body movements.
    3. Language and thought are closely relates: Language and thought are intimately related.through language people can express their feelings and share ideas they are so related that can be thought without language, but not language without thought.

    Emergent Literacy: They are the skills, knowledge and activities developed before beginning to read and write. It is also a process that begins at an early age and is generated through interaction

  31. Facts about language:

    1. Language can be non-verbal as well as verbal:
    Is known that the human can communicate through words and gestures, so that language can not only be what we transmit with words, also includes gestures and movements that can transmit messages even that the person who we are transmitting the message does not speak our native language.

    2. Language change:
    Over time language has evolved, words have changed constantly to become what we now speak, and will continue changing constantly, and even new words will form as the years go by.

    3. Language and culture are closely related:

    Definitely the place where we are born, where we grow has a great influence on what we speak and how we speak, diverse culture and different languages ​​is what makes the world something fascinating.

    Emergent Literacy:
    Is the way of how childrens develop their language as they grow, through expressing their own ideas and thoughs.

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    LANGUAGE CHANCE: All of us have to be aware languages can change therefore that's why we have to keep in touch with books and some other materials that have essential information for us to be updated with the information.
    HUMAN BEINGS HAVE AN INNATE CAPACITY TO LEARN LANGUAGE: I've read somewhere that Spanish is one of the hardest languages to learn, so if we were capable of learned Spanish and if at the moment we are learning English as a second language, also we're capable of learning another language.
    LANGUAGE CAN BE NON-VERBAL AS WELL AS VERBAL: If at the moment to speak we don't remember a word we can make gestures with our body or movements in order to communicate to others.

    EMERGENT LITERACY: It is based on develop of children when they are learning to read. I think we have to foment to children the habit to read.

  34. The best way to learn a language is through the natural way. firstable by hearing then by seeing and then by actions, is so simple.
    The direct method, also called natural method, discards any use of mother tongue in the classroom.
    Their is no translation in any Activity . only the target language is spoken. Reality should be used when any word is taught, putting averything into practice.
