lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Multiple Intelligence and Methodology

Hello Class!

Choose either one intelligence or one methodology among the ones presented last week, and then:

  1. Write a comment, explaining -in no less than 100 words- what you learned about it and how to apply it in a preschool class.
  2. Read your classmates' comments and respond at least one of them, by respectfully debating or both agreeing and adding up to it.

Remember that opinions can not be exactly the same.

Deadline: Sunday, March 05th, at 11:59pm.

62 comentarios:

  1. Direct Method I understood that students learn how to communicate in the target language. When the people is learning through this method teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching–learning process, students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate and to develop this method the teacher employing various techniques such as Reading aloud, never use translation, question and answer exercise, tries to getting students to self-correct whenever possible so one advantages of it that only use target language and one of the disadvantages is that this method is not satisfy the needs of many students. Then to apply in preeschool class is necessary interact directly with the tings or children to they learn better...
    Carmen Amador

    1. I agree with you, because the most important thing inside and outside the classroom is what the students really learned at the end of the lesson. that has to be the main objective of a course.

    2. Hi classmate! I completly agree with you. As you wrote DM facilitate the understanding English by establishing a direct association between the word and its meaning. Also, the student is able express his/her thought and feelings directly in English, it develops fluency of speech and in writing .

  2. Personally I think the direct method it's one of the most interesting methodology to teach a new language, because as I learned in class, the students are in a certain way pressured to speak in the target language in order to increase new vocabulary and fluently, because the teacher is always speaking in the target language, that's tatally different of the translation method which doesn't teach the students to think in the target language, because they learn to translate and every single word they are going to say, they translate at first, so when they are in real life or in a conversation with somebody they would be tatally lost many times, because they are busy translating the conversation or won't have fluently, because they are thinking in both languages; actually as teachers we must use the most effective method to our students in order they learn effectively.

    1. I agree with you partner.
      I think that Direct Method allow students to learn new vocabulary and practice fluently, this is essential for children in order to speak and communicate properly. Moreover the pressure students will feel with this method is necessary to more of the half students in a classroom nowadays as they are more lazy or distracted thanks to technology or new trends.

  3. Taty Amador I agree with you, because the direct method it's effectively to teach a second language in every level.

    silent way is a good metod, because the student is going to be able to develop his or her abilities. using their imaginacion, perceptions and feelings. the students are going to interact in the classroom creating a good relation with the other kids. the role of the teacher in this method is to be a good observationer and also a guide with the target language. this method gives teachers the opportunity to create material according to the students needs. the students are going to use the target language and the native language just if it is neccessary for example: if the teacher wants to give them instructions of the lesson.

    1. Erika Garin I agree with your comment, we should apply it with our students now a days.

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    Honestly this was the first time I heard about this method and it calls my attention. As teachers we usually want our students to complete chores on our way not their way. This method explains that students should be able to: interact with other students and the teacher will speak little, use their imagination to create a mental picture according to the lesson and be creative. Teacher should always: remember the students they must be cooperative and not competitive, correct mistakes and make sure students are working not wasting time. I can tell the objective of this method is: students be able to learn by interacting with others with physical objects, solving problems and expressing their thoughts and feelings.

    1. I agree with you Brenda; because students are sometimes shy and maybe they want to say things because they are afraid no say weird things, but as you said teacher has to check their mistakes.

    -I like this method and I use this method with my students because they work independent language learners and we start from what the student knows.They can learn, discover and create by themselves. The objective of this method is to develop inner criteria, correct themselves, they can learn to work cooperatively rather than competitively and learners gain practical knowledge and use in the target language. The function of the teacher in this method is facilitates the students discoveries and be silent as much as possible and encourage learners to produce language.

    1. I totally agree with you Celeste because this method is a great tool for the learning of children. Thus, with this method they are free to do whatever they want and with this they are learning to be creative, to be social and discover all around their.



    I really like this method because the teacher lets the students to interact with each other. the teacher shows the material and if the student already know what in the material is, they speak but, if the student do not know, the teacher explain a little bit and students have to follow him or her. The most interesting thing of this method is that the theacher speaks so little.

    1. i am partly agree with you samantha because this method is easy to use but has one disadvantage that teacher do not talk to much with the student and to know about if they know about the topic or not.

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    3. I agree with u because in this method the role must important is the students and they interact between them, only with a little instructions! Then is important for the student don't be afraid with comunication or sharing ideas meanwhile learn about experience of another people.

  9. Angel Stephanie Rivera Rivera


    In my opinion, this is a excelente method for children because each student must work with their own internal resources ( experiences, emotions, knowledge of the world) to learn from the environment that surrounds it. This method assumes that students are working only with these resources for them being the only ones responsible for their learning. The teacher has the role of guiding students in the process which they are immersed, and also the teacher is only observing how their students learn and interact alone and step by step they are discovering what is around you and at the same time learning how to use materials, how to be social interacting each other. For me Silent way method is a great tool for the learning of children.

    1. This method is better in small classrooms because this way we can interact with the student only the very necessary things, another advantage of this method is the non-bored students in the classroom because each student learns another language starting from its own knowledge about it.

  10. grammar translation method

    the grammar translation method is maybe ambiguous to teach and always is boring to teach it.the aim is to teach the rules of the target launguage that are goint to teach but sometimes using first the description of that words in the native language and later on in the target teach to preescolers is try to find if they know some words with pictures or reviewing previous knowledge that they have in their minds and for the students to deduce that is the correct meaning of that words or not. mostly the process to teach with this method is consequent-process and the purpose to teach it.Mostly, translating from the native language to the target language.

    1. I think that this method has limitations, because has absence of communicative practice. Focus only on reading and translating text. one of the avantage of this method is explicit teaching of grammar rules.

    2. In my opinion we could emphasize in grammar but, as we know students develop their skills practicing the target language using many different activities instead of formal exams. The most important skills are understanding and speaking the target language at the beginning.

    I really liked this method because it's goal is to learn how to use a foreing language to communicate without translating , this method has benn applied for many years. In this method the translation is allowed, the message is conveyed directly through use of demostration and visual aids without the use of students' native language. One thing the teacher who use this method is use actions and demostrations instead of explain, the concepts and the vocabulary are taught through real life objects and other visual materials. As we are teachers when we teach with this method we are not translating for our students, we are introducing language in context through interaction we apply this method with our students moving them from pair to different groups and ask them '' how are you?'' And let them row the answer while they are acting the feeling.

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    2. Ana, I partly agree with you because I consider The Direct Method useful for teaching foreign languages. But, we should think in our Education System in Public School, this method is hard to integrate, because maybe it does not have all the necesary to implate it.

    3. I agree with you!! I think that if we as teachers want them to communicate in the target language, we have to use it the most. In that way our students will become active in the target language and they will be starting to improve their skills in the main goal!!!

  12. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
    It is one of the seven intelligences that everyone has. However, someone has this intelligence more developed than others. I chose this intelligence no because it is the most important. But I consider one of the problems that not let us develop it in a good way is because since earlier ages in preschool we did not learn how do it.
    People have a wrong concept about Math, they believe that it is boring and they do not understand how important it is.
    We as a teacher should teach Math in a funny way to our preschool's students. Also, teach them that Math is not difficult and everybody is able to learn it and put it in practice every single day. That is one of the form to break with the stereotype that Logical-Mathematical is just for certain people.

    1. It is interesting your point of view, but remember every person has different level for this intelligence, so this is one reason why Math is hated. Children for example they love numbers, play in differents way with them; In this scenary, teacher take advantage for developing different competences together each unique characteristic in the child, using adecuated method.

  13. Desuggestepedia. One of the best method is desuggestepedia it means we need to look for some resources that can help us to desuggest or eliminate many barriers that affect the students’ learnings. In this method teacher emphasize in grammar but minimally, it is more important have the students focused on using the target language instead of language form. Students can develop their potential through practicing many activities like singing, dancing or dramatization, so that they feel comfortable to expose themselves in a relaxed atmosphere, in order they can get used to speaking the target language. Teachers must be patient and sensitive with the students’ errors, this could be one of the best way by which the students will trust more and more in the teacher and will break the limitation o barriers in their learnings.

    1. I agree with you, Dessuggestopedia help teachers to help students that have fears, also make them be focused on using the target language instead of their fears. As you said you can use methods to firm up students confidence with activities like games, dramas, having conversations and presentations and in this cheer up them with good compliments.

    2. I do not agree with you since there is no methodology that can be classified as the best, each has its advantages but also its disadvantages and each student has a predominant intelligence. That is why I can not say that one methodology is better than another. We can make use of them when they are required, alternating activities to avoid that the class becomes monotonous and boring. Especially if it is preschool where children are more active.

    3. This method has advantages and disadvantages as well but probably depends in the faculties of the teacher to use this methodology

    4. This method has advantages and disadvantages as well but probably depends in the faculties of the teacher to use this methodology

  14. Intrapersonal intelligence: is the ability interact properly with other people to know each other and very important to know ourselves. People with this intelligence tend to be more empathic with other people and allows to understand our own feelings it allows us to see clearly what we are and what we want in our lives. People with intrapersonal intelligence are able to correct behaviors and actions that aren´t good for them. Regularly people with intrapersonal intelligence create good relationships with job partners and these people have a lot of friends, they are considered popular in the society because they pay a lot of attention to the non-verbal language of people.
    This could be applied in a preschool classroom to identify the children with this kind of intelligence and see if they could help each other with another children with different intelligences.

  15. Intrapersonal intelligence is how we understand ourselves and our emotions, moods, why we are acting in this way, who we are, how to react, what we want and how to behave. People with this intelligence are able to control themselves thanks to their own knowledge about themselves, also they can decide for the things that they like and take decisions by themselves although this can be bad sometimes because ask for advices can allow them to take better options. This intelligence is important because allow us to understand ourselves and with this can set a life where we are going to enjoy it, people without this intelligence do not know how to behave in some moments and can commit actions that they did not plan.
    To apply it in a preschool we can ask to children to them bring photos about themselves and to analyze it, also they can make presentations about themselves explaining their likes and dislikes and of course relating everything they learn, to real life.

  16. Musical Intelligence
    People with Musical Intelligence are especially sensitive to sounds, rhythms, tones and melodies. This type of people often can describe a sound or song, they can develop a talent in playing musical instruments easier than others, like singing, composing and conducting. Besides they can learn better with music, they pay more attention to audio books and learn singing.
    I would apply this intelligence in a preschool classroom by create a song to teach new things to children. Listen to different types of music. How do they make you feel? Why? Reflecting or relaxing with them and assigning different sounds or musical notes to your body parts and compose a song using your body.

    1. I just could say that this is the intelligence that I like the most, I have noticed and seem when children enjoy singing the songs and at the same time they learn so fast with songs because they repeat them all the time, It is enjoyable for them, and this intelligence is amazing because by other hand They can heard instrumental music in an early age and It is motivated to play an instrument some years After they have heard this... great intelligence!!!

  17. I like the Interpersonal Intelligence, because as a teacher we have to work or treat with students. As we know this kind of person has the hability to interact, to connect with other people, to influence on an emotional level and to help solve conflicts when a person has problem. They likes to help other people and to have many friends, they do not likes being alone, they enjoy being around other, are natural leaders amoung peers and groups.

    This could be used in the classroom, identifying what kind of students do we have and to use them to developed cooperative learning skills, brain storm, share ideas, answer questions, and helping each other.

  18. Desuggestopedia
    For me is about passion when we refer to teach because If I can say something with this method, To me is the most complete method because we have in our hands all the tools to work, but all those methods or technicques that are mentioned above this comment, all those important methods use when a teacher decide to transfer knowledge to their students, the most important is aply them at the students, but the end of this chapter in other words is that students learn and they feel more comfortable by themselves, I could apply this method called Desuggestopedia in children using some songs or some role play because they love it so much, specially when they work into groups, that so fun for all for the students and for the teachers the most important is to accelerate the process of learning througt the different kind of methods, and It is so helpful to use in a classroom just to brake the barriers to acomplish the objective for the teacher.

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  21. I think that musical intelligence a good way of learnig because students learn better through lectures and often use rhythm and music as a way to memorize things.Students with this intelligence are able to use rhythms and patterns to assist in learning.They would become in musicians composers, dand directors,disk jockeys, and music critics because they are able to recognize sounds, tones and rhythm, they have a 'good ear' for music. Teachers could also encourage students themselves to create songs, raps, or chants that summarise, synthesise, or apply meanings from subjects they are studying

    1. I think this intelligence is interesting... specially in the use of patterns or sounds to learn because that can make life easier at the moment to study.. I think things you learn singing are going to be in your head forever.

  22. Verbal linguistic learners love words. They have an immense capacity to use language to express themselves, and to understand other people. They are good with both forms of language, written as well as oral. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages.
    These types of learners are best suited to the traditional school environment. These students learn well through listening, reading and writing. They enjoy talking and asking questions, love to read, write and listen, enjoy word games and riddles, like to acquire new words and new languages and they love possessing books. If you have children with this intelligence in preschool you can provide them exercises as reading stories, declamations, role plays, storytelling, and initiating vocabulary banks, to strengthen their intelligence.

  23. I know Mr. said choose one but I chose to Bodily kinesthetic intelligence together direct method, because children in preschool like to move their bodies; teacher need to develop this intelligence in a preschool class so becomes easier to teach, the students’ participation is frequently and also catch their attention and reduces pressure students have in a classroom. Using the direct method, teacher does a balance because all topics are in the target language so often become tedious because topics or activities are difficult for some children. Children internalize all they use every day for that reason using this complementary combination, students develops their knowledge in an integral way, theories and interesting activities produce positive results.

    1. Yes i agree, I think you did a great combination between the direct method and TPR because it's true that both are very important but they are too limited .

  24. Personally I like the direct method because students have to make a self correction and also associate meaning directly,teacher and student never translate. Also I think is important to mention this method emphasized speaking vocubalary and pronunciation (Its most important the oral part but also practice others skills like writing and reading. Besides I consider the goal of this method is what teacher and student want ( Communicate in the target language). I like the way in which students and teacher are partners in the process, I mean they arent in the same level but the interaction is not define by teacher, because students interact among themselves. In addition I think is interesting the fact that topics are not center in linguistic and also grammar rules are not give directly.I want to apply this method with my preeschool students.

    1. I completly agree with my classmate also when I was a little girl I was studying in a bilingual school and my teachers show me more how to say a word than the grammar part ,so I think I have a good pronunciation but not a good grammar but I know that I´ll continue learning and practicing.

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  27. I chose the verbal linguistic intelligence because is one of the must important intelligence !! why? becaus is the first intelligence that we recognize and we learn since we born!! this intelligence have 2 methods the gramar translation and the direct method the last one is the best to learn a target language because the students have more closeness with the language in another hands we can't forget the grammar translation because in our education it's necessary to use thanks to the low resources, well this intelligence is a great way to develop a student using good technics or giving the role must important to the student, where he be able to produce and communicate by himself.

  28. I'm absolutely agree with you!! Because this method complete the most nessesary purpose for teaching and of course the most tradicional way ! How to learn but nowdays!! I choose intrerpersonal intelligence!! In this case because we are talking about children so I think they could learn more easily interact with others and sharing all of their prior knowledge this intelligence is based on an aptitude in a very specific set of skills, in particular, verbal fluency, computational and mathematical proficiency, and logical analytical In simple words they will can resolve problems and of course They will can develop all of their skills fastly

  29. Suggestopedia!!!

    It is a teaching method based on the idea of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively.
    I like suggestopedia because it allows students to go beyond previously held beliefs and self limiting concepts concerning te learning process and learn great quantities of material with ease and enjoyment. Students can also learn from what is present in the environment, even if their attention is not directed to it.
    I think that suggestopedia is such a good method because it optimizes learning, lows classroom anxiety, promotes talent and all this happen because there is an effective atmosphere..

    Dennys Machado

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    I choose this intelligence because I thing kids can use their imagination to learn and to think in English that´s the way I learn the language also I use to used puzzles, games ,paints and my imagination.But I´m not at all agree with the complete technological ways because kids have to interact with real people not just with a machine I know that is good kids learn how to use technology but not always technology is good it has good and bad things a good thing for example is that people can use it to have a distance education but a bad thing it´s that if people has doubt they can´t ask in a personal way like talking it´s just a reading part.

    1. I totally agree with you. Technology should never replace the importance of interacting with others and learning with others. Technology is good at education but we have to know how and when to use it.

  33. I chose the Linguistic Intelligence because it's vital to us. We communicate with others everyday, we have to use words but first we think about what words we are going to say. I love to play word games and read stories with my students and also I like Spelling and Phonics classes because it is a great opportunity to develope this intelligence in children. A well developed linguistic learner enjoys to write, read and speak too! They like to use words to express themselves, they are good at discussions, debatings and giving information. We can apply and develop this intelligence in a preschool class by doing word games, reading, listening and telling stories to develope their imagination and to stimulate and enrich their vocabulary.

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    2. Summer Salgado Zelaya
      what you said it is totally correct. To develop the kid's linguistic intelligence is a little more important than the other intelligences because, if we do not develop in our kids this intelligence they will be always shy and afraid of speaking in public and also they will have writing problems and that exactly happens now a days in any institution.

  34. Grammar translation method

    this one of my favorite methods because, it is an easy way to explain any topic, specially for a preschool class. As the little children are starting or beginning learning a new language it is probably hard for them to understand how English works and we as teachers should use or apply this method frequently to introduce them a new world of a different language. By changing our language from English to Spanish and vise versa the children can start or begin to recognize new words, new phrases of the target language.
    We can use or apply this method which any topic or in any circumstance and it is a really useful method for beginner children

    Summer Andrea Salgado

  35. in my personal opinion i think the all methods are useful for teachers ,it depend which adapt to needs of the students . we have to know how our students learn, to choose and specific method, because every methods focus and develop diferents skills. In preschool i chose the Total Physical Response because is a natural way to learn use the body languages and TPR is most useful for beginners. And also help us to develop thick motor and they will be able to recognize you body and how use it to express your feelings and ideas .
