miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Cooperative Structures - Spencer Kagan

Hello Class!

Please watch the video below and answer the following questions in your own words:

  1. Why is traditional learning not effective anymore to teach our students nowadays?
  2. What are the two greatest benefits of Kagan's Cooperative learning?
Remember that opinions can not be exactly the same.

Deadline: Wednesday, March 22nd, at 11:59pm.

29 comentarios:

  1. 1.)) Traditional learning is not effective anymore nowadays because we as a teachers need the students to talk, to interact, and create their own style of learning. For example in the traditional learning as in the video says the principal rule was ''No Talking'' and the teacher just gives new information without allowing the students to say what they think.And if they create their own style this one could be; participate in class in order to know if what they think is correct or not. And not taking those doubts to their houses.

    2.)) The two greatest benefits of Kagan's Cooperativ learnign are that this allows the student to interact and share what they know relating to what the teacher said so everybody is gonna have a turn and the other one is that students become more sociables with each other and students don't get bored.

  2. Angel Stephanie Rivera

    1) The traditional learning is not entirely effective today, because as a teacher, we need students to participate, interact and talk in the class, not only the teacher must to speak , the students as well, because they need and have to share their ideas and thoughts. As in the video says "traditional teaching creates students sitting in rows, and the rule is not talking". Now, the student has the opportunity to interact and share with the teacher and classmates their ideas.

    2) The two major benefits of Kagan cooperative learning is that students are able to interact and share what they know and learn in the classroom. In addition, students develop many skills Thorough cooperative structure as a think-pair-share and numbered heads together where they develop leadership skills, communication and many other skills in team work.

  3. 1-traditional learning is not effective nowaday, because the teacher need that class be funny, not boring because the new students are different than last years. The new student need participation because for they is more easy learn, when they compare the dayli day whith the new topic that they are learning more fast and when the students share experiences they learn more.

    2- For me the 2 greatest of kagan are:
    - one benefits is because for they are more easy learn playing and share knowledges.
    - the other benefits is because when they communicative can enjoy learn because no only the teacher speaking and they hear but also they can participate.

  4. 1.-Traditional learning is not effective nowaday, because only involves some students and not at all other problem is that students do not have the opportunity to talk in the class only the teacher is talking in the classroom and when the teacher asks a question only a student have the opportunity to answer the question and the others do not also they waste time because they have to wait the option to participate into the class. I think the environment becomes very stressful and that affects learning process as a result there will not be a better communication each other.

    2.-The two greatest benefits of Kagan`s cooperative learning are:
    The students are able to work together and share their knowledge each other this approch engage every students, they develop social and communication skills through fun games particing and solving problems together.

  5. 1.the traditional learning is not going to be effective in the classroom nowadays, because the key of a successful class is the participation of our students. when the student have the opportunity to express their ideas they feel comfortable in the classroom, also they feel that the teacher hear them no matter if they are wrong or right. Another thing that apply this traditional learning is not a good idea is that into a classroom; we are going to have different personality and not all the students like to be in competition all the time.

    2. One of the benefits of this learning is that students have the opportunity to share information with their classmate, to compare ideas to find the right answer.
    The second one is that students are going to have the chance to evaluated each other without pression to be humiliated in the classroom, in that way the student develop their confidence and also to make a better relationship with their classmates.

  6. Traditional learning is not effective anymore to teach nowadays, because it do not let students share ideas each other, students do not have the opportunity to talk only the teacher. Moreover, not all students have the chance to learn in the same way because no everybody participates during the class. In addition, it can create a competition in the class with the students to know who answers better the question . Therefore, we must encourage our students to learn through cooperative structures instead of competitive structures.

    *The first benefit of Kagan’s Cooperative learning is Kagan engage all students. Thus, everyone has the turn of participating. They can learn more and students enjoy school more.
    *Second one benefit is that students develop many skills together such as teamwork skills, communication skills, and social skills. With Kanga not only learn one student, with it all students learn.

  7. ANSWER 1) WOW!!! traditional learning nowdays is difficult to teach nowdays speciallly with the treatment just for one student, it is difficult to teach because our porpose is teaching to all the students, but It has been the most complicated thing in methodology for teachers in the prent time. Nowdays we can not teach with the traditional method, because it is so hard to hold selfconfident one by one student, and the traditional learning just for one participation is caused a low effect teaching approach.

    ANSWER 2) the kagan´s cooperative learning nowdays is a succesful method because the students they can feel more confident with themselves and they feel that can give their opinions freely working as a group or pair people, by other hand they can share their knowledge with the rest members of the group, and get more group trust, it is so effective because the teacher get a good response of kagan´s methodology and it becomes enjoyable for them.

  8. A.1) Well, traditional learning is not frequently in other places but here in Honduras is used by many people because it was learning from time ago and some teacher believe traditional learning is practical and easy for teaching. So besides these facts; in this time the children's environment has changed in comparison to children from time ago. Children need more interactivity for learning, different ways to teach and an environment comfortable for developing their skills without restrictions. In this way teachers catch attention of their students.

    A. 2) In my opinion some benefits of Kagan’s Cooperative Learning involves internal changes in the students like:
    - Students become more secure about themselves (Self esteem) and this fact evolves to successful students developing their skills.
    - Using many activities or different ways to teach, it produces students are to adapt in diverse kind of circumstances. This benefit prepares to students do not fall in each obstacle through her/his life.

  9. 1. Because the last century and the century in we are now is totally different. Children from the past had different ways of thinking to how children from the 21st century think. Human beings are in constant change and while technology evolves humans evolves at the same time. Therefore, the methodologies and strategies applied for teachers have to evolve constantly.

    2. --Every student can be engaged in the process of learning.
    --Students develop several skills such as social skills, teamwork skills, communication skills and leadership skills.
    --Students memorize and learn easier the content by working in groups in a cooperative environment.

  10. Traditional learning is not effective anymore nowadays because do not help the students performance. With this method the teacher is the center of the teaching process he is the only one who can speak in the classroom creating a boring environment. Also prevents interaction with the teacher and classmates and today the participation of students is what makes the class more fun and with better learning results.

    The two greatest benefits of Kagan's cooperative learning are:
    -Students are able to interact and share information about what they know and learn
    -Students develop many skills. Through those activities students grow in learning and knowledge but also improve their social and communication skills.

  11. 1) it is an interesting question, why we do not use the traditional method of teaching. first it is an obsolet mehtod of teaching, but in most obviously cases, mostly of the teachers continue using this method. and they are continue theating their students like a robots without the new metodology and knew methods that exists in our days and try to create new things of teachings and developing the imagination of their students and our teacher as well.

    2) exists many benefits ok kagan cooperative learning that are many greatfulness to know it:
    -in the part of the academic the students involeves many areas that the know, create the critical thinking and develop the continuously development.
    -in the phsycological area increase the slef esteem of the students, raise the cooperation between students and help them at the time to take a test, helping to each other with the knowledge learned in class

  12. 1-Why is traditional learning not effective anymore to teach our students nowadays?

    In some cases students likes traditional learning because only the teacher speak, but nowadays is not effective because society need people who can communicate with another people without problems of shy. Nowadays teachers likes students can share knowledge and interact with the classmate.And be the class more motivate and dynamic in the moments of teach and learn. Actually we have a big technology that helps to develop our skills for good communication.

    2-What are the two greatest benefits of Kagan's Cooperative learning?

    1- It Promote critical thinking
    2- Classroom results are improved. And students wants participate and learn more.

  13. The traditional learning is not effective nowaday because is not active.The students nowaday prefer learn by doing than to be memorizing.Also the classroom environment should be of affection and trust.Where the teacher must motivate to the students to actively participate in class.

    The benefits of kangan´s cooperative learning are:first the students can build his own knowledge through of interaction with his classmates.In this way they anchieve meaningful learning.
    Second is that promotes values as responsibility, the communication, the solidarity, and teamwork.

  14. Answer 1: Traditional learning is not effective because in this times students get distracted with lots of things, and they are less participatory for the reason that the think that the rest of their partners are gonna bullying them or say things to make them feel bad and that created a less participatory class.

    Answer 2: I think that the benefits of Kagan's Cooperative learning are that students build strong relationships with their classmates and they are more concerned in the learning process of the rest of their classmates and themselves.

  15. 1:: Because, it is not a good way to have an effective learning and doesn't help to student to feel comfortable and create an environment of competition between students and also lose motivations of a students who is shy and limited to express and show his ideas because teacher is the unique who talk all the time.

    2:: Two Greatest Benefit of Kagan's Cooperative Learning are one the oportunitive which give to students to interact together and share their ideas and make a good concept they self because everyone has a turn and they dont feel afraid and intimited from the teacher. in this moment everyone is learning something . Also is how students develop many skills like social skills , communications skills and leader skills.

  16. Traditional learning is not effective nowadays because students have differents needs and knowledge is not transmitted in isolation like this kind of learning works. Besides this approach create competitive situations between students. One example of this competition can be The whole—class question—answer structure, where one student receive attention and the rest create a negative interdependence.
    Some benefits of Kagan's cooperative learning are develop: social, teamwork, communicative and leadership skills. Also this learning offers to the student the opportunity to take control of his/her learning process.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    -Because, teacher had the control, there was no place for the student to create and participate. Nowadays the students need to express what they feel and think and they need to socialize with others students nowadays the teachers speak little and they share they knowledge there are communication and Self-learning.


    1. Promotes good relationship between students. Tolerance, respect and flexibility.
    2. Develop the intrapersonal intelligence and reflexive or critical thinking.

  19. 1. Why is traditional learning not effective anymore to teach our students nowadays?

    Nowadays, current school system revolves around it, despite of traditional learning that set the students against each other, our system continues working in the same way. In traditional learning, students compete for the opportunity to share and maybe there are a couple of students who never want to participate because the fear to fail. In spite of the fact that communicative approach is required, the system continues focus the school in isolated content. Instead of learning together, they spend several time solving exercises or copying down lectures that they could find in the internet in few seconds, they have to listen to the teacher talking most of the time. That procedure could make the class boring and the students can easily sleep in class and fail the learning process because most of the content is simply memorized just for the exam and then it is quickly forgotten.

    2. What are the two greatest benefits of Kagan's Cooperative learning?

    • One of them is that Kagan, engage all students with pair and team structures, allowing them to develop social skills, team work skills, communication skills, leadership skills. No one students work isolated or against each other. They celebrate each other successes because they are in the same side. Everyone is more active, increasing their scores because they gain from each other’s efforts.

    • Kagan is based in simple yet powerful structures that transform education where cooperation reduces anxiety and everyone is more active and the content more memorable. In consequence classroom results are improved and it facilitate deep learning.

  20. Traditional learning isn't effective anymore because it doesn't create a friendly enviroment were everybody can participate in the learning process. It is a boring traditional way of teaching beacuse mostly of time only the teacher is speaking�� and the students are quiet�� or hidding�� for not answering the teacher's question.

    2. Kagan's transform education by:
    ☝Creating an enviroment were everyone is having fun learning, sharing and comparing knowledge��.
    ✌Developing social, teamwork, communicative and leadership skills.
    In conclusion everyone learn by having a turn to share their own opinion.��

  21. This is interesting, is important to know that, traditional learning in nowdays is not effective because, we are not only things that receive information, we do not need that only the teacher speak, we need interact with all the people in the classroom.

    Kagan's cooperative learning:
    1 while students learn teamwork they develop essential social skills.
    2 Is no good, called just someone for participation, now we turn students around each other, instead of calling one student at a time. Is better in pair two students share information each other.
    Carmen Amador

  22. Traditional teaching is not effective nowadays because with the time have emerget many approaches and method to involved the students in their own learning. traditional teaching encourage some students to participate in class, but not to all. also traditional teaching insists the students to compete each other, and only a few students have the oportunity to standing out and to have the atention of the teacher.

    Kagan's Cooperative learning engages all the students, and instead of making the students compete with each other encourages them to cooperate in the learning of their classmates, and with this method every one learn more. also students develop many skills like central social skill, teamwork skill, and communication skills, that help them to work and learnd in a friendly and supportive environment.

  23. In the traditional class the students were passive, there was not the opportunity to create or participate, they never received the opportunity to express their thought , never encourage in critical thinking skills, the teacher was centered, only he speaks all the time, therefore the students got boring, if the student raised his hand to participate, he doesn´t received, the teacher gave the opportunity to other student this allows that the student got frustrate, he doesn´t wants to compete.

    In Kagan´s Cooperative learning engages all the students, is a good strategy or methodology to join all the students in pairs or groups of 4, or to join smart students with the students that aren´t, it could be helpful because they can share knowledge, help discuss different topics or tasks and pushed them to learn and participate in class, it helps to developed cooperative learning.

  24. In my opinion, nowadays traditional learning is not working because here the students are very passive. They do not like to participate in class, they do not like to share their knoledge or ideas. The learning is competetive.
    The two benefits of Kagan's cooperative learning are:
    1) students are most active. They like to share what they learn in class. The teachers encourage their students to participate in class.
    2) The learning is most successful. Because students learn in a cooperative way.They learn how to work in pair-work or group-activities. They receive feedback.

  25. Traditional learning is not enough effective because we know it is not just knowledge sharing it transmits information and memorization where the teacher is just talk it could be boring and tired student do not feel motivated
    And kagan's cooperative learning is completely different one of the benefics are students are going to be able to develop their communicative skills and also share their knowledge to each other. Another beneficiary is that students could feel more motivate working in teams and of course learn must be more effective

  26. Summer Andrea Salgado
    1. Why is traditional learning not effective anymore to teach our students nowadays

    Nowadays everything is different from the last century. We as teachers know more techniques, strategies, methods and also we have modern technologies that allow us to be creative. One of the biggest problems that the traditional method faces is the way that students acquire knowledge. In the past, the principal source of knowledge was the school but nowadays students are able to acquire knowledge even by themselves.

    2. What are the two greatest benefits of Kagan’s cooperative learning?
    • One of the biggest benefits of Kagan’s cooperative language is that all students have the opportunity to share and develop social, teamwork, communication and leadership skills.
    • The second greatest benefit of Kagan’s cooperative learning is that students are more active, participating in class and the content of any topic becomes relevant and less boring for the students

  27. Traditional learning is not efective because: A/ the teacher is the one who does much of the talking most of the time.
    B/ there is not much communication among students.
    C/ only a few students participate in class.
    D/ Students compete one another to show who is the best.
    F/there is a gap of achievement in a no friendly environment among the students.

    The two greatest benefits of cooperative learning are:
    1. All students partcipate in class in a more kind environment.
    2. Students learn more, developing team work, communication, and leadership skills.

  28. 1.-Why is traditional language not effective anymore to teach our students nowadays?
    -First I think that people it is getting or following more the technology and that is a debility for students they just go and google what they need.So they do not read more everything is more easy also they do not practice with other students even with some teacher´s.
    2.-What are the two greatest benefits of Keagan's cooperative learning?
    -He said that if students interact with other students they can share ideas and if students participate everyone in class they will share more ideas and they can learn better in that way because every head is a world and everyone learns in different ways but they compare ideas and they analyze those ideas and make their own conclusions.

  29. As we know the students need to share, they need communication and and have the opportunities to participate an opinion or a roll to learn. And the traditional teaching is he opposite because the teacher has the must important roll... Nowadays students need major responsibilities about themselves, also need be part of the class!! Now the teaching need active methods.

    1- well wen the students have the opportunity to participate, interact ans learn sharing.

    2- develop skills working in team, this involve whole the class in different ways making whole the class learn about experience or another ideas.
