martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Strongest and Weakest Intelligence Type

Good Morning My Dear Students!

Please go to the following website and take a test to see which type of intelligence might be stronger in you.

When you have your results, write your two strongest intelligence types and the two weakest ones in this entry as a comment. 

Then write your personal opinion on how accurate you think the results are, by providing evidence from your daily life.

The first comment is going to be my own example, for you to know how to do it.

Remember that results and opinions can not be exactly the same.

Deadline: Sunday, March 12th, at 11:59pm.

40 comentarios:

  1. My strongest intelligence types were:

    Linguistic - 100%
    Interpersonal - 88%
    Intrapersonal - 88%

    My weakest intelligence types were:

    Visual - Spatial - 75%
    Naturalistic - 58%

    In my case, results were very accurate, since I really enjoy languages and playing with word structures and so on. I consider myself to be aware of the way I learn and think too.
    I work with people everyday and I think I understand their way of thinking and needs.
    On the other hand, I am not so good with locating things around and manipulating visual images in my mind, but definitely, I am the weakest at classifying and naming things in nature.

    1. The test's result changes over time whether you are younger or older for example a child could be kinesthetic inteligent but when he is older he coul be naturalitic due to his emotional maturity. So the result of every test could differ in the latter future... I feel like mine has changed, when i was younger I was musical inteligent, now I just get 68% musical and 88% naturalistic and 38 kinesthetic. I conclude that the test is no accurate becouse it shows momentaneous results.

    2. The test's result changes over time whether you are younger or older for example a child could be kinesthetic inteligent but when he is older he coul be naturalitic due to his emotional maturity. So the result of every test could differ in the latter future... I feel like mine has changed, when i was younger I was musical inteligent, now I just get 68% musical and 88% naturalistic and 38 kinesthetic. I conclude that the test is no accurate becouse it shows momentaneous results.

  2. My STRONGEST Intelligence types were:
    *Intrapersonal --------94%
    *Bodily Kinesthetic -- 67%

    My WEAKEST Intelligence types were:
    * Musical ------------- 25%
    *Linguistic ----------- 25%

    I totally agree with the results. I consider my self to be a very active person and learn by doing as a kinesthetic learner and also I love being indepedent not specting people to do my job as an intrapersonal learner. Obviously my musical intelligence is complete hidden =)as my linguistic intelligence, I am not so good with writting a journal or reading a long book because I easily get bored.



    I completly agree with the results, because since I remember I like to be in communication with others and also make new friends. when I was 12 years old, my grandfather taught how to play the piano and, since that moment; I fell in love with music.the signature that I hate the most, is Math. so, the results were so right and also I do not like to be in contact with the nature, because of my allergycs. at the end, this activity was interesting, because I discovered that I can develop some abilities to inprove myself and also to get new knowledge.

    COMMENT: I completely agree. Because I am very private with my life and I like to do the things and know who I did the things. I feel that in problems I have self-control, and try to organize my ideas how can I resolve that. And in BODILY-KINESTHETIC I Like to create crafts and do exercise.

    COMMENT: I agree because I like music but only for few minute because then I feel bored and stressed. I Also love to learn new interesting thing but I do not like to read a lot of material or book because I am ansious and I only want to finish the reading and do not pay attention about the topic.

  5. My strongest intelligence types were:

    - Naturalistic. . . . . 67%
    - Musical. . . . . . . 63%

    My weakest intelligence types were:

    - Bodily-kinesthetic. . . .33%
    - Interpersonal. . . . . . 31%

    In my case, I disagree about my strongest and weakest intelligence types and/or the percent that it is presented. Because I love music but it is a distractor for me, except instrumental music. Also bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is too low, because since I was child I like to move and nowadays I prefer to do phisical activities than other. So I think this test is very simple and short for describing accurate levels of intelligence.

  6. My strongest intelligence types were💪;
    -MUSICAL 100%

    My weakest intelligence types were😵;

    I agree with the results, because I love the music I like playing the guitar and I'm really good singing in Karaoke 🎶. Also I overthink about my life and I am a reflective person I don't do and don't say anything if I have not thought before. It's very difficult to have the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence at the same time but in my case sometimes I am introverted or extrovert depends of the place and the people. On the other hand, I hate the numbers, the only numbers that I know and use is for to say my age🙊🙈. I like the animals and plants but if I'm far from it, everything is better because I don't have good experiences with animals and plants because I remember that I got lost in the Tigra park😣.

  7. My strongest intelligence types were:
    -Linguistic 92%
    -Bodily-Kinestheric 75%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    -Visual-spatial 42%
    - Intrapersonal 50%
    I agree wit the result because I always enjoy to read amazing books, but if the plot is interesting right. Read is my best hobby... Also I like to move my body as playing sport as a soccer, run dancing etc.. Nevertheless my visual-spatial intelligence is so bad, because I hardly ever Know how to recognize problems in a visual way :( in the other hand for me is difficult be in contact with myself but is easily be in contact with other people... the test reflect this result but I know that I have another weakest intelligence

    -Linguistic 92%
    -Naturalisic 92%

    -Visual-Spatial 33%
    -Logical-Mathematical 55%

    I really agree with my results because Iam not consider myself to give directions to somebody. Always when I know a place or city for the first time I am sometimes lost and I remember when I was at school I did not like math class, I do not consider myself good at solving mathematical problems but I like nature, I love breating pure air also I enjoy to visit nature parks and know many things about animals. I think I have a lot of Linguistic and interpersonal intelligence I love speaking with friends I cosider myself sociable, friendly and in my free time I read interesting books.

  9. My strongest intelligences are:
    Linguistic: 100%
    Intrapersonal: 100%
    Interpersonal: 100%
    My weakest intelligences are:
    Visual spatial: 42%
    Naturalistic: 42%
    I agree with results. Before to make the test I analized my possible results and I was expecting Linguistic (I like to read, I ove to write, specially poems) and Intrapersonal (Because I know me very well) like my stongest intelligences, when I saw intepersonal with the same result of 100% I was like what?? And I started to think why... and also I got to the conclusion that Im always talking in my groups, Im always in charge, dividing information and also I love to speak in public,(is comfortable for me) so some of those characteristics could be the reason. (I also took captures of my results),or the test is wrong. And with Naturalistic and visual spatial I totally agree, because I can give directions and Im not very good planting and that.

  10. My strongest intelligences are:
    My weakest intelligences are:
    I am more and less agree with my results I don not like Mathematics but I know that if I push myself I will take good degrees with Naturalistic result I totally agree I really love plants and take care from the planet also I throw my garbage in my backpack because I know I wont change the world but I will make a difference in it.
    In Linguistic case I agree because I can talk but I still having problems with grammar parts (e.g I do not know exactly where the verb ,adjective, noun ,etc. Are going but I know I have to keep practicing and in Musical case I know that I do not have a good voice just in shower time.

  11. My strongest Intelligences types were:

    Naturalistic: 75%
    Intrapersonal: 44%

    My weakest intelligences were:

    Visual-Spatial: 25%
    Bodily-Kinesthetic: 25%

    I really agree and happy with the result, because I expected that naturalist was going to be my strongest intelligences; because I love everything related with nature, landscape, plants. For that reason I prefer to live in a town that in a city. Intrapersonal Intelligence I expected this result as well, because when my classmates was doing the presentation about intrapersonal intelligence I knew that all those characteristics I had and I told one of my classmate "I have that intelligence" therefore, I expected this result.
    On the other hand, definitely I do not have Musical Intelligence because I am bad with singing, dancing, and following melodies. Of course the visual intelligence is not for me, I am terrible for giving directions and visual images in my mind.

  12. My strongest intelligences are:
    - Interpersonal: 100%
    - Linguistic: 92%
    - Intrapersonal: 88%
    My weakest intelligences are:
    - Bodily-kinesthetic: 50%
    - Naturalistic: 50%

    Even though, I do not think that those few questions are enough for telling me which exactly are my intelligences; I fit in with the quiz because I have seen that I am good at getting along with people or at least I know how I can treat unknown people and for those things and among others I am able to lead some people in a good way.
    With respect to, the linguistic intelligence I agree with the result because apart that I am interested in learning some languages, I am also good at drafting different types of writing and I like it, as well as I enjoy reading books.
    with my weakest intelligences I agree but at the same time I do not, because although, I do not like playing sports, I love dancing and I consider myself as a good dancer and I suppose that I am not so bad in coordinating my body. with the naturalistic intelligence, well I have always lived in the city, therefore, I do not have many opportunities to develop that intelligence; however, I like nature I try to save it as much as I can and I would like to be more in contact with it.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. My strongest intelligence types were:

    Naturalistics 83%
    Interpersonal 81%

    My weakest intelligence types were:

    Visual- Spatial 58%
    Bodily-Kinesthetic 58%

    I agree with the results about my strongest/weakest intelligences. It is interesting for me to know what kind of intelligence do I have and what are my weakest intelligence. I can say that I love nature, the environment, rivers, wild animals and to live in the rural area. About interpersonal intelligence I think is true, because I have many friends, help others, to interact with many persons and enjoy to be around people. I really have problem with visual-spatial because i can´t give directions and to remember visual images, and I do not have bodily-kinesthetic, because I´m too slower in this aspect.


  15. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Naturalistics -83%
    Musical -38%
    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Logical-Mathematical - 6%
    Interpersonal - 13%
    I totally agree ��with my results because actually I love nature;🌄🌊the beautiful landscapes and the fresh air. Also I love to listen to music.🎶Those are my favorite hobbies. And about my weaknest intelligences.I agree too, because actually "I hate Math"

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. My strongest intelligence types were:

    Bodily-Kinesthetic - 100%
    Intrapersonal- 94%
    Intrapersonal- 94%
    Naturalistic- 92%
    Linguistic- 92%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Visual-Spatial- 50%
    Musical- 56%

    I agree with these results because I really love doing excersice, playing sports and doing any activity outdoor.I consider myself an easy-going person and a good leader. I thought that I was going to have a higher grade in linguistic but I didn't, and I really like languages because it is a new way to learn more things from other contries. And also, I love nature, I love do any activity for example in a garden or in a park. I like music but like if it was what I love the most as languages. I HATE MATH the test didn't make any mistake haha.

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. My STRONGUEST intelligence types were:
    Logical Mathematical -88%
    Interpersonal -88%
    Visual spatial -76%

    My WEAKEST intelligence types were:
    Musical -38%
    Linguistic -58%

    Ok. I think Interpersonal as one of my STRONGUEST intelligences test results is accurate because I like getting along with people very well. Wherever I get I'm always talking with people and it doesn't matter if I don't even know them. Logical mathematical it's ok because I like to solve problems and fix things by myself all of the time. Also, I'm good at locating things around and easily I manipulate visual images in my mind. But I disagree with my weakest results as linguistic intelligence because I'm always playing with words and solving word puzzles. I even like teaching my ESL students Grammar class, it's one of my favorite ones. I think, the test is a little short and that more test are needed to know my intelligences development. I love music and trying to find the rhythm of a song it's not hard to me. I can use my fingers to follow any rhythm, so Thats why I disagree with my weakest results. Have a nice weekend!

  21. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Intrapersona -81%
    Visual spatial- 67%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Musical- 19%
    logical-Mathematica 38%

    I am agree and surprised with my results, because if am sure of something is that mathematics has never been my strong. But never hoped that result,of mathematics was better than musical so was a big surprise for me. I would rather sing than solve a math problem. About my strongest intelligence, I totally agree, because I Know myself very well. And I always motivates me to achieve my goals. Also I enjoy when I paint or do scrawl. I recognize easily faces, shapes, and details.

  22. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Intrapersonal__ 69%
    Linguistic______ 67%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Bodily- Kinesthetic__17%
    Naturalistic________ 17%

    I am really surprise with this test, because it showed me in a perfect way what are my strongest and weakest qualities. Intrapersonal, I am always fixing my goals, I am self-aware and I spend time thinking about my future. Moreover, about linguistic is true I like to write letters, I always take note about anything. Nevertheless, in Bodily- Kinesthetic I do not practice any sports, I cannot dance and I do some exercises but just a few. Naturalistic I respect the environment, but I do not like to be really close some animals.

  23. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Lógical-mathematics 69%
    Lingüístics. 67%
    Visual spacial. 67%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Musical. 44%
    Bodily-kinesthetic. 42%

    I agree with the results because i am very strong in those areas dependly in the ocations that i need or put it in practice. I love mathematics and the part of lingüístics and maybe for the results of the test.
    I am weak in those areas but i play an instrument but that not means that í am bad in the music area maybe that depends how we raise the areas that í am weakness and increase those areas in my life

  24. My strongest

    intelligence types were:

    naturalistic 100%
    logical mathematical 75%

    My weakest intelligence type is:

    interperpersonal 19%

    I totally agree with my test result because it shows that my stronger intelligence is naturalistic and it is totally true since i really love the nature, the trees and to care the environment. also I strong in logical mathematical because I like mathematics and i was studing civil Engineering, I didn't finish my career but I would like to do it.
    Interpersonal is my weakest intelligence according to the test and I agree since I am not good dealing with people.

  25. My strongest Intelligence types were:
    Visual Spatial 100%
    Interpersonal 88%

    My weakest intelligence type is:
    Musical 38%
    Naturalis 17%
    I'm not surprised it's completely true because I'm not good for music and naturalistic. and i like test because i did not know what is one of my stronger intelligent and of course i really enjoy draw and organize spaces and my mind , playing with puzzle. ALSO i am not sure but this test show me that is true all that people say about me, when talk me that another stronger is interpersonal because i always try to be and shoes of the other , i am a tolerant person and that is why i have few but really good friends.

  26. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Bodily-Kinesthetic 75%
    Interpersonal 75%

    My weakest intelligence type is:
    Logical-Mathematical 31%
    Visual-Spatial 33%

    I agree with the results, I really love do activities like dance and some sports, also I consider myself a leader, I'm the kind of person that always take the control of the situation when I work in groups.
    In the case of my weakest intelligence I recognized that math it is not my favorite thing in the world haha, so the results are perfect for me :)

  27. My strongest intelligence types were:
    -Linguistic 58%
    -Interpersonal 56%
    -Musical 44%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    -Logical-Mathematical 38%
    -Visual-Spatial 33%

    I agree with my results because since I am studying English and I dont consider myself a bad student, one of my strengths has to be luinguistics. I also agree with my interpersonal intelligence because I feel I am good at interacting with people effectively!!
    My weakest intelligence are on the right track because I am not good at all with numbers, and I can say that it's easy for me to get lost in space.

  28. My strongest intelligence types were:
    -visual spatial 92%
    -Naturalistic 83%
    -Intrapersonal 81%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    -linguistic 59%
    -Bodily-Kinestheric 67%

    I totally agree with the results of my intelligence, I am so creative and I like imagine things with visual images in my mind before doing it,but by other hand I like the nature and I like to think to get some peace before doing something, It is like meditation outside me. And I consider that my personality is easygoing and for that reason are so good having good relationships even when the person is so close-minded.

    definitet I agree with my weakest intelligence because sometimes it is so hard for me organizing some words specialy with the new vocabulary that I must learn to grow up my knowledge, and besides that I have not been so good enough moving my own bones or dancing something, It has been the ¨Äquilles heel¨, but I keep trying to getting better results day by day...

  29. Strongest intelligences:
    Logical-Mathematical -- 94%
    Intrapersonal -- 81%

    Weakest intelligences:
    Musical -- 0%
    Linguistic -- 25%

    I agree with the percents that I got in Logical-Mathematical and Intrapersonal intelligences because I like to resolve problems, think about my behavior and future plans, do exercises and I like to develop my brain using Mathematics and reflecting in my daily life.

    On the other hand, I disagree with my percents in Musical and Linguistic intelligences because I enjoy music, types of sounds like violin or nature and I have learned new vocabulary thanks to music but I am bad at any talent related with music but at least I expected a 10% and a 40% percent in Linguistic because I like to read but I prefer internet pages and I like to learn by reading but I am not attracted to write a story or read one, I prefer only scientist advances or similars.

  30. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Intrapersonal – 94%
    Visual-Spatial – 92%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Musical – 56%
    Naturalistic – 42%

    I agree with my results because I am always trying to understand and help the people around me. That is the reason I made the decision to be a teacher since it career require sensitivity to what someone else is living. But I like to take control of the situation to make sure everything is done correctly. And I have Visual Spatial intelligence because I am always imagining how things could be. Making drawings in my mind. Maybe I am a dreamer!

    On the other hand, I like music but I am not so good in that and with nature, well, I have not any idea about plants even, how to make a successful germinary in a bottle of baby food would be a big deal for me.

  31. My strongest intelligence types were:
    Intrapersonal- 83%
    Linguistic- 81%

    My weakest intelligence types were:
    Lógica la mathematical- 33%
    Visual spatial- 42%

    I agree with the results, I really enjoy read books and I like to take my time when I do those things. With the other result I feel more confortable being an independent person and not spect things or actions from other people. On the other hand, since I was a child logical mathematical did not was my favorite class, also I am not so good giving directions or things like that.

  32. I must say that I agree with my results I know that I am good at musical (100%) because music is one of my favorite things in life. I am not studying music because honestly I don't think that music can help my future plans. In visual Spatial (92%) I Agree too because I work a lot doing handcrafts. Those activities are things that I love doing with all my heart.
    Moreover my weakest intelligences that are Linguistic with 42% and Naturalistics with 42% too. those ones are things that I have to improve. I know that those are my weaknesses because I know my self. To conclude I have to say that I am surprised about my result in Logical Mathematical. I really thought that it was going to be my weakest, but I got 63% That is more than I expected to got.

  33. My strongest intelligence according to the test is the interpersonal with 94% and it is true that one of my favorite activities is to read, I even read the cereal box. I also empathize and understand other people and always I’m trying to help as much as possible, I definitely learn best through interaction and dialogue but one thing that does not fit with me is that I don’t have many friends, I don’t trust in much people and despite interacting with many people, I do not feel comfortable surrounded by lots of persons.
    The second place is tied between Visual-Spatial and Naturalistic with 92%. I’m definitely good at drawing and painting and really learn best through drawings and visual aids. I love nature and I’m in love with my daughter dog Angie and my son cat Ponzo, some times even my son boy Fernando tells me that I care more for the dog and the cat that for him. In this case I completely agree with the results of the test.
    The weakest is the musical with a 38% I’m not sure of this one because I really love good music, I like to sing and I’m pretty good at this. On the other hand I can not play any instrument and can’t study if I’m listening music because I care more for music than for what I’m reading. And the last one with 50% is the Bodily-Kinesthetic, With this I am totally in disagreement because, I was a professional basketball player for more than 16 years, I started in this university studying physical education and I changed my carrer because of a problem in my back. Played semi-professional baseball and football, practice a taekwondo year and now I'm preparing for cycling competitions. I think that probably this would have to be the strongest of my intelligences

  34. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  35. Summer Andrea Salgado

    My strongest intelligence types were:

    *Bodily-Kinesthetic....... 75%
    *naturalistic............. 63%

    my weakest intelligence types were:

    *linguistic ............... 33%
    *interpersonal............. 38%

    the results were really accurate since the bodily-kinesthetic is one of my strongest intelligences. I really love sports and everything related with P.E. Also I consider myself an animal lover actually, I wanted to become a veterinarian but it did not happen.
    On the other side I am terrible with words and expressing myself but, I am good at making new friends and socializing so I don't agree with the result belonging to interpersonal intelligence.

  36. My strongest intelligence type were; * intrapersonal -88. *Body-kinesthetic -93. My weakest intelligence type were; *linguistic- 25. *interpersonal -56
    I feel surprise with the result of this test I don't feel agree whit my weakest because my result was interpersonal was 56 I am good in this intelligence because I am friendly but I don't know,what happened although with linguistic I feel agree because I don't like read.
    I am agree with my strongest intelligence I like mathematics and dancing.

  37. My strongest intelligence types were: Intrapersonal- 81%
    Naturalistic- 80%

    My weakest intelligence types were:

    Bodily kinesthetic: 33%

    I'm a person who thing if you want to be everything better than you do it, you have to be self confidence, everything started in ourself, the better we do something it depends how much we love us and what kind of life we have or we want, if I didn't choose this career maybe I could have been psychologist because I love to share different though, I always been a person who studied the behavier of others or share something if the other need help or a advice, I try to be a better person everyday, I work on it. About my other intelligence, Im active animalist member, I always try to help the animals and care for the environment, I have buddhist beliefs and that is why naturalistic is my strongest intelligence.
    Body kinesthetic is my weakness intelligence, that is true because I'm not in my better weight and for me it is not easy to do somethings the others do very easy but I know I could be better if I propose it to myself.

    Stefany Lilieth Mejía

  38. Muy strongest intelligence types were:

    Visual-spatial 68%

    Intrapersonal 79%

    Logical-matrmatic 50%

    My weakest intelligence types were:

    Musical 20%

    Naturalistic 20%

    I agree with my intelligences cuz I'm all the time tinking things, making plans in mind o trying solve my problems with eny help cuz someone tells "If you want something done right do it yourself " JAJA but in another hands i desagree because I thought with the kinesthetic result cuz is only 33% and am doing exercises all the time or something phisical...
